
I've broke this site down into four sections.  

bulletThe film section provides data on as many 4X5 films as I can find.  This will include the data sheets from the manufactures and any other film specific info I can find.  
bulletThe section on papers includes the data sheets from the manufactures for the various B&W papers.  I've not included data sheets on color paper yet as I don't have any experience in color processing.  If there is an interest I will include that info as well.
bulletI've included information on as many B&W processing chemicals as I could find.  As I find more they will be added, including formulas and the like.  As with the papers section I will only add color chemicals if there is interest or I get experience.
bulletThe Stuff section is for any other info that is relevant to photograph including temperature conversion charts, DOF info and any thing else of interest.

A lot of these files are in Adobe Acrobat's PDF files.  If you don't have Acrobat loaded it can be retrieved as freeware from the the link provided.

I'll try over time to make as much of a comprehensive site of technical info as I can.  If you have any suggestions for info I should include please contact me and let me know.  I will include the info if anyone finds it useful.